Friday 6 January 2012

Research into Slasher Horror- Aimee Lomas
Hills Have Eyes (1977)
We found that the establishing shot used in this particular scene between 1:16 and 1:52 was useful to us as we wanted to start our film with an establishing shot of our surroundings before zooming into the house. The slow pan of the surroundings in this film helps the audience gather a sense of where it is but it also creates a calm feel which is a contrast to the normal jumpy horror. However with this film being fairly old the editing cuts seem quite basic and jumpy. For our project we are going to try and improve this by including non-diagetic music to hype up the tension. Its good to look at older films for inspiration as we can see how technology has developed over time and how we can improve certain shot types and editing with the technology we have access to today.

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